Tagged: conditioner

My haircare beautybagg: favorite shampoo and conditioner

Hair… I’ve never really thought too much about it to be totally honest.  My hair is very fine in texture, dark brown, and very long (at least halfway down my back).  I wash it everyday (I KNOW I’m not “supposed to” but I find the process rather therapeutic and cathartic), I let it air dry in the warmer months, and I only use “natural” products on it.

It wasn’t until I read No More Dirty Looks: The Truth About Your Beauty Products and the Ultimate Guide to Safe and Clean Cosmetic a few months ago that I really even thought about the ingredients that went into my  products, rather than the brand name.  I might’ve read about it in the book, but I read that your scalp is actually one of the most porous surfaces on your body and is (if not the most) absorbent skin you have.  Knowing that, I not only decided to minimize the amount of chemicals in all of my products but also be ESPECIALLY cognizant of products I expose my scalp to every day.  (Click here to read more on ingredients in your shampoo, and click here to read 8 reasons to use natural beauty products by Glamology.)

So on one of my usual jaunts to Whole Foods one day, I was browsing their personal care aisle (which, by the way, is a great place to buy personal care products because Whole Foods has strict rules about the products they carry) and saw Desert Essence hair products staring me in the face.  (It also helped that they were on sale.)  I had read about them in one of my favorite natural beauty blogs The Flaxen Owl so I wanted to give them a try.

my hair beautybagg: current favorite shampoo and conditioner (via Instagram)

I LOVE THIS STUFF.  I used the Coconut one in the summer and it wasn’t bad – it was too heavy/moisturizing for my hair but I LOVED the coconut scent.  The Green Apple & Ginger version is PERFECT for my fine, long hair.  It actually makes my hair super shiny and smells AMAZING.  Oh, and most importantly, it doesn’t weigh my hair down at all and it feels as voluminous as fine, long hair can feel!

I love that it’s actually natural (no green/natural-washing here) AND it performs well.  I’ve used the John Masters Organics hair products in the past, and while I love that his products are natural and organic, I don’t feel they perform as well as Desert Essence for my hair type.

What’s your favorite shampoo and conditioner?  How do you feel about natural products?  Share!!